Auto Loans

Auto Loans

Check out our competitive rates, personalized pricing, easy application processes and quality, personal service.

Apply for an Auto Loan
  • Save time – Get pre-qualified for your loan!*
  • New or Used
  • Affordable payments
  • 100% financing available
  • Skip-a-Payment twice a year, every year*
  • Full range of terms
*Conditions apply. APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to approval and must be a member in good standing. Ask for details. Rates offered on auto loans are fixed and based on the indivdual’s credit score. Term is based on the loan amount and credit score. Example: A $15,000 loan, on a 48 month term, with a rate of 6.49% is approximately $356 per month. Rate, down payment, and maximum term are dependent on credit.

Auto Resources:

Know before you buy – with Kelley Blue Book and NADA vehicle value guides.
CUDL Autosmart – Looking for a new car? Use this helpful tool to review local dealer’s inventories, research car values, and more…
GAP Protection – Guaranteed Asset Protection helps you avoid financial loss in the event your vehicle is totaled or stolen. Since Insurance settlements are based on the car’s actual cash value, they are often less than the loan balance. This creates a deficiency balance or a “gap” that could jeopardize repayment. GAP Protection covers that deficiency.
Mechanical Repair Coverage – 24 hour Roadside assistance and Extended vehicle warranty. Protect your investments!

RV and Boat Loans

RV and Boat Loans

Whether you’re looking to get away, or just have some fun in your own backyard, we have the loan for you!

  • RV RATES as low as 6.99% - 15.99% APR* with a maximum term of 120 months*
  • BOAT RATES as low as 6.49% APR* with a maximum term of 120 months
  • New or Used RV & Boat
  • Flexible Terms
  • Skip-A-Payment twice a year, every year
  • OURCU offers loans for Motorcycles, ATVs, personal watercraft and snowmobiles at competitive rates
View Rates

Apply For An RV or Boat Loan

*Rate is based on credit score, no minimum, maximum LTV 100%. Add 1.00% to rate for RVs model years 2008 – 2015. Other affordable rates and terms are available. RV Loan example: A $25,000 RV loan, at a 10 year term, with a rate of 6.99% is approximately $290 per month. Boat Loan example: A $25,000 loan, at a 10 year term, with a rate of 6.49% is $284 per month. Rate, down payment, and maximum term are dependent on credit. Rates are subject to change. Call for details.


First Time Auto Loan Program

First Time Auto Loan Program

Need a new loan but never borrowed before? Get the cash you need and establish credit with our loan program for first-time borrowers.

If you have no credit history, limited history, or maybe you’ve used only cash rather than credit, you can apply. Build your credit history and reach for your dreams!

CUDL AutoSmart – Looking for a new car? Use this helpful tool to review local dealer’s inventories, research car values, and more…

  • Rates as low as 10.95% APR*
  • For New or Used Auto
  • Must be an OURCU Member
  • Skip-A-Payment twice a year, every year*
Apply For First Time Auto Program

Signature Loans

Signature Loan

Whatever life throws your way, OURCU is here to help!

Whether it’s unexpected health care costs, setting up your home office or classroom, emergency home repairs, etc.

  • Medical Expenses
  • Setting up your home office or classroom
  • Emergency home repairs
  • Miscellaneous expenses

Whatever life throws your way, OURCU is here to help!

Apply For A Signature Loan

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are based on credit and subject to change. Loan term is dependent on credit and loan amount. Example: A $5,000 loan, at a 2 year term, with a rate of 9.50% is roughly $230 per month. Conditions apply. Subject to approval. Ask for details. Federally Insured by the NCUA.




Skip-A-Payment Twice A Year!

For those times when you need to free up some extra cash, you may skip your loan payment up to TWO times per calendar year. If you have more than one qualifying loan, you may request to Skip-A-Payment on each loan.

Skip your payment instructions:

  1. Complete the Skip-A-Payment Amendment form. Please note, both the primary member and co-borrower/co-signer (if applicable) MUST sign the form.
  2. For each loan payment you choose to skip, the processing fees are as follows:
    • FREE for the first skip, per loan, per calendar year
    • $25.00 for the second skip, per loan, per calendar year. Skip-A-Payments not approved will not incur a processing fee
  3. Enclose a check for the total amount due or complete the authorization to deduct the fee from your account.
  4. All request forms must be received at least five days before payment is due but no more than 30 days prior to the due date.
Skip-A-Pay Form

Mail your form and payment/authorization to:

Our Community Credit Union
Attn: Skip-A-Payment
PO Box 1670
Shelton, WA 98584

Ask us today about secure digital options for delivery! If you are authorizing us to deduct the fee(s) from your account, you may fax this form to the OCCU Contact Center at (360) 427-3416.

*Skip-A-Payment Agreement Processing Fee: Your first Skip-A-Payment is FREE per loan, per calendar year. A fee of $25.00 is due and payable upon execution of the second skip-a-payment. Processing fees will be returned to anyone not eligible to participate in this offer. In order to skip your payment all loans and accounts must be current and in good standing at the time we receive your request, and your loan must have been opened more than 6 months ago and we must have received 6 months of payments regardless of the payment frequency. Note, both the primary member and co-borrower/cosigner (If applicable) MUST sign and return the attached form. The deferral of loan payments pursuant to this agreement will automatically extend the loan maturity date by a corresponding period of time. Deferral of payments will reduce the portion of future payments applied to the principal, which extends the term of the loan. Interest will continue to accrue on your loan as it normally does. Certain restrictions apply and not all loans are eligible for this program. We reserve the right to pull a credit report. Program subject to change.

Online Loan Payment

Online Loan Payment

Make online loan payments* now through our website, smart phone, tablet, and even text messaging.

Make your OURCU loan payment ONLINE with any Debit Card or eCheck.

  • Use a Debit Card or eCheck from another financial institution to make your OURCU loan payment
  • Make a one-time payment or schedule regular payments
  • There is a convenience fee for the use of this service. Paying by Debit Card or eCheck is $4.95 per transaction

Example: If making a loan payment in the amount of $250.00 using a Debit Card or eCheck, your transaction will be $254.95.

*Loan payments are posted on business days after 3 p.m. PST. If you make a payment after 3:00 p.m., it will be posted on the following business day.

Make An Online Payment