Local businesses supporting local educators with funds to enrich the student’s learning environment.

Our Community Credit Union: community is our middle name and working together is part of our mission. Together, local businesses provide classroom grants to local K-12 teachers, supporting their efforts to enhance the learning experience. Since its’ inception in 2014, the Community Partners Education Grant program has distributed grants to classrooms across Mason and East Grays Harbor Counties.

The Community Partners Education Grant (CPEG) committee announces that it awarded $25,116.00 in grants to forty-three teachers in both Grays Harbor and Mason Counties.

There was a wide variety of projects for the 2022/2023 grant cycle, such as Book Buddies, Games for Social Skills, STEM, What I Want to do When I Grow Up, Garden of Opportunity, Town Day and Financial Literacy, a Field Trip to the Portland Art Museum, Chairs for Band and Choir, and much more. For a complete list of approved grants, please visit cpegwa.wixsite.com/home/grants.

For nine consecutive years, CPEG has awarded grants of up to $1,000 to local K-12 educators.  The partnership is comprised of nine local businesses, including Belco Forest Products, Elma Family Dental, Green Diamond Resource Company, Hood Canal Communications, Our Community Credit Union, Shelton Dental Center, Sierra Pacific Foundation, Simpson Door Company, and Vaughan Co, Inc.

Founded in 2014, the Community Partners Education Grant (CPEG) has awarded over $209 thousand dollars in K-12 grant requests.  This unique program provides funding for educational projects and programs while allowing teachers great flexibility to develop them.  CPEG is local businesses supporting local educators with funds to enrich the student’s learning environment.

School Year Teacher Grants Approved Dollars
2014/2015 20 $12,341.50
2015/2016 19 $13,706.00
2016/2017 34 $26,047.50
2017/2018 28 $22,635.00
2018/2019 37 $23,850.00
2019/2020 39 $25,700.50
2020/2021 26 $22,290.00
2021/2022 48 $38,079.00
2022/2023 43 $25,116.00
Totals 294 $209,766.00

For information, please visit cpegwa.wixsite.com/home.

Representatives from OURCU, Green Diamond, Sierra Pacfic Industries, HCC and Belco.

CPEG applications are reviewed each year by representatives from each participating business:
Belco Forest Products, Elma Family Dental, Green Diamond Resource Company, Hood Canal Communications, Our Community Credit Union, Shelton Dental Center, Sierra Pacific Foundation, Simpson Door Company, and Vaughan Co, Inc.