Stay Home Stay Healthy with Budget

Although social distancing can sometimes be “ruff”, Budget from OCCU knows that it is important for everyone to “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” right now.  But kids just gotta have fun!

So, Budget is hosting a coloring contest that you can easily enter from home. Just print out and color the Budget’s Stay Home Coloring Sheet. Then have a parent or guardian take a pic of it and post it on their Instagram or Facebook. Have them tag OCCU and use the hashtag #OCCUBudget. To make sure all entries are received please also direct message the picture on Instagram or Facebook to OCCU. Be sure to follow OCCU on social media!

The coloring contest runs through the end of April and is open to all kids or kids-at-heart. One winner will be randomly chosen from all entries and the grand prize is a Budget themed gift basket. Arrangements will be made to safely deliver the gift basket to the winner.