The Our Community Credit Union Logo is Getting a Fresh New Look!

Our Community Credit Union is excited to announce a logo transformation, beginning now and slated to be fully complete by January 1, 2024.

This change will not affect any of your accounts, products, services, or your experience with Our Community Credit Union. In fact, you don’t need to do a thing!

The name of the credit union will not change, nor will the steadfast, personal caring service the credit union provides to our members and Washington State communities at large.

Use of the acronym “OCCU” has become very confusing for our local communities as there is another credit union based out of Oregon with a very similar logo (Oregon Community Credit Union - OCCU). In an effort to establish and grow the credit union’s unique brand identity, and better align with our Pacific Northwest (PNW) communities, the Our Community Credit Union logo will transform from the acronym OCCU to a more modern rendition of the logo using the new acronym OURCU. 

The new logo features a graphic interpretation of local PNW mountains and will still include the iconic three figures element: a representation of all members in our communities.

You will see a slow roll out of the new logo on branch signage, digital platforms, and in branch branding throughout the remainder of 2023.

Thank you for being our member. We look forward to making this upgrade with you.

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